Ron Ten Berge and ERP, WMS, and CRM applications: some key learnings and insights.

Ron Ten Berge has led and been involved in the implementation of several Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Warehouse Management Systems (WMS), and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) projects. 

Ron Ten Berge

These are all software systems used for management purposes. Ron Ten Berge has learned that companies that are trying to implement these systems often try and make the software conform to how the company has always done business. There is a huge problem with this approach. 

When you start modifying software to your system, it becomes hard to maintain and update when the software itself updates. You end up going through multiple rounds of updating and modification and that can get very expensive. 

It is better to understand how the software was designed and adapt the business to those parameters. Human beings don’t like to change but technology is not that hard and needs to be learned in order for a business to thrive. 

Having a dedicated implementation team of users and developers that really spearhead change can help mitigate this risk.

Read this post as well: The High Sierras and Ron Ten Berge
