Ron Ten Berge on wastefulness

Ron Ten Berge knows that many consumers don't like the idea of corporations being wasteful.

Nowadays, you hear about corporate excess, companies wasting stockholder money, not thinking about the environment—there are so many ways a company can be seen as wasteful.

Due to this and due to people wanting to be good global citizens, there is a movement toward socially responsible consumerism and thus there are good reasons for a company to choose a socially conscious consumer model.

A great example of this is Patagonia who does it exceptionally well using fully sustainable materials. One of the companies Ron Ten Berge worked for, Yakima, tried to offset their carbon imprint making durable products.

Other companies that choose this model are Whole Foods and REI and there are also the politically active corporations like Ben and Jerry’s. It’s not just about being a good citizen, it’s good business and if you’re mindful of waste, you’re a better corporate citizen and you’re also allowing yourself to produce a better product at a better value.
